Monday, 31 August 2015

Do you want to get a ribbed body?

No, not everyone has the time, energy and money or the personal motivation to get health education necessary for a 6-pack abs! Yet, almost everyone suffers problems of sick and tiredness, rising costs and pressures of money and time at the end of each month. No wonder “sick and broke” seems normal.
It is everyone’s dream to have a ribbed body that others envy and like most dreamers, dreams are but hopes, fat hopes. We see how Rory McIlroy outclassed his opponents on a golf course, the beautiful ball flight patterns thru effortless driving from initial starting points, irons thru the course and finale of puttering his famous eagles and boogies.
However nobody but the pro sees the true champion habits, exercises and most of all the mental strength to see that he, Rory, plays each time in any tournament. The real pains start days and weeks before each tournament not on tv but in his club. The hours he packed each morning, afternoon and the thousands of balls he shoots, putts and drive, the blisters on his hands, the sweat, pain and lonely hours after all the other support team members leave the course.
Every morning sees us waking up early, quickly opening many doors to brush teeth, rush to work trying to beat the traffic jams, traffic lights and even the punch clock. At work we are always rushing to beat the deadlines, despite seemingly unsolvable problems, lack of time and put-me-downs from customers, colleagues and bosses.
We forced down foods, answered or dismissed constant interruptions from all those around us in our quest for money, health and peace of mind. 
We blame other people; give excuses and create a million reasons for our lack of time, money and personal satisfaction in life despite working hard, working smart with total commitment and loyalty. At the end of each night, we feel drained and tired, still worried that tomorrow will bring another day of rush, misery and more work and problems.  
When we are sick, we become more liable to hospital bills, which if uninsured can be pretty hefty and growing all the time. Hence “health is wealth” and staying healthy is main goal in life.

This article serves to remind, educate and awaken us the need to have a goal, and make it 24 hr focus in both our sleeping and daylight hours, which otherwise the goal is but a wish. A wish is but only a wish, easily forgotten and start afresh when something like a word, a picture or stray memory hits us and we make ourselves alive to go after another dream and another.  

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